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2011_Immi Grounds

Immigration Reception Center design proposal
​​​Publication in ATHENS Voice's HOME mag issue #58

Where When What _ The landscape of the long Greek coastline is intersected lately, as repeatedly in its history, by random flows of almost infinite migrating populations, 'soft  dropping'  from every corner.

How _ In a given concavity of the scenery, presumably a reclaimed space of an abandoned quarry, a new intervention is located: a dynamic composition of freight containers, coded & organized by simple construction patterns and arrangement rules, similar to which the popular Тетрис puzzle game is based on *. The containers are retrofitted to offer temporary accommodation  to immigrants, or utilised for a diversity of public uses. The resulting mega-structure is everchanging, according to corresponding needs. On top of this setup, an over-sized canopy, created by use of parametric design and fabricated by recycled materials, is finally added, able to house the otherwise open-air facility.

Heterotopia **_ ​The objective of the puzzle game, anyone of us has played, is to manipulate these Tetriminos to 'snap' into tight spots and clear triples. How successfully will the inhabitants of the ImmiGrounds gain the game of social adaptation? Architecture, in that case, is related with space and time, the real and the virtual, in a different way.



*  The enumeration of this kind of geometric figures is however dated to antiquity and the algorithms used are closely related to applications in mathematical physics.

** Michel Foucault, "Of Other Spaces, Heterotopias" In Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité. Vol. 5., 1984.




Project Type:

Design Ideas






Path Architecture
Project Team:
Christos Athanassopoulos

Alexios Artemiadis

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